

Jan 24

Session Proposal: Teaching New Users (General Discussion)

On one side, we have the creation, preservation, and presentation of content. On the other, we have our users. With so many fantastic resources available, how do we help our users find exactly what they need? I would like to share and hear about techniques and tools used to connect researchers of all levels with the repositories we’re creating.


  1. Just thinking that one aspect to teaching new users is to demonstrate value….the core value…so in addition to focusing on new users, maybe those techniques can be customized or used as a cornerstone to build for different audiences…like stakeholders or power users…

  2. Amanda Izenstark

    I think users – once they discover them – do appreciate and understand the value. It’s strategies for finding these fabulous resources, and I’d love to hear ways of doing that, particularly active learning strategies and strategies that work for distance users as well.

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