purchase-on-demand – THATCamp Libraries 2013 http://libraries2013.thatcamp.org The Humanities and Technology Camp Tue, 26 Feb 2013 19:47:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 Session Proposal: The changing world of ebooks http://libraries2013.thatcamp.org/01/16/session-proposal-the-changing-world-of-ebooks/ Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:25:37 +0000 http://libraries2013.thatcamp.org/?p=206

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The changing world of ebooks

Given: Patrons will increasingly use ebooks in the coming years.

What can librarians do to:

  • Provide the titles they need (purchase outright, purchase-on-demand, provide changing content in the form of vendor packages such as ebrary)
  • Ascertain what titles they need (solicit patron input, offer purchase-on-demand)
  • Make ebooks easily accessible (for reading online or downloading, simplifying digital rights management, providing mobile apps)
  • Provide hardware (loan equipment such as PCs, ebook readers, tablets; and perhaps provide pre-loaded content on these devices)
  • Help them find the digital content already in the library’s collection (web-scale discovery layer, one-on-one or classroom instruction, pushing instructional content to patrons by electronic means such as email, social network locations, Twitter, RSS feeds)
  • Promoting electronic publishing; publishing titles sponsored by libraries themselves; working with university publishers

Please bring your suggestions—what is your library doing, what should we be doing, what is in the works—for improving our service to patrons in this changing environment.
