Category Archive: Collaboration

Posts about interdisciplinary, interprofessional, or simply interpersonal collaboration.

Feb 12

Session Proposal-Supporting DH Pedagogy for Undergraduates

I’d like to have a conversation with like-minded folks who support classroom pedagogy about the library/ed tech role in teaching DH to undergraduates. I suspect there are more of us at smaller liberal arts colleges than at larger institutions, but I welcome and hope for surprise. Some initial question: How are DH competencies taught to …

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Feb 01

Session Proposal: After the End: How Libraries can Support the Continuity and Preservation of Digital Humanities Projects

Sure, the fun part is actually doing the project – digging into the data, creating cool models and maps, driving the discussion and exploration of a chosen topic. But what happens after the project concludes? How are the products created during the project managed? What about the documentation and systems used? The responsibility for a …

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