

Feb 22

Session proposal: emerging technologies for futurists

I propose a blue-sky dreaming session wherein we collaboratively imagine the best possible future for libraries, 2, 10, and 20 years from now. What kinds of cool innovations in tech and shifts in library philosophy will get us to where we dream of being? What secret projects do you (want to) work on that, given time and scale, could be transformative?

On my mind:  machine learning, RFID, text mining, 3D printers, Raspberry Pi, virtual/augmented reality, quadcopters, privacy concerns, internet of things.

This is inspired by NISO’s Future Perfect virtual conference. I found some of the ideas proposed there really exciting (and scary).

1 comment

  1. Amanda Rust

    I love this idea, particularly as a corrective to some of the fear and gloom and doom you see in a lot of library leadership publications. ACRL put out a Futures Thinking for Academic Librarians doc in 2010, and the ARL 2030 Scenarios might also be relevant (if a little apocalyptic in tone.)

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